Ariella was born on April 15, 2015 and was a very healthy and active child. On April 20, 2017 she had her 2-year-old physical. She was healthy, beautiful and smart. She did not receive any vaccines during her visit that day. After her appointment, Alicia had taken Ariella to her last flower girl dress fitting for a wedding planned the next weekend. She turned heads in the bridal shop and everyone knew she would be the most beautiful flower girl. Later that night, Alicia came home to find her beautiful family watching a movie together. When the movie was over they all played hide and seek for a few minutes before bed, laughing and giggling. They said “I love you” and “goodnight” and went to sleep.
On the morning of April 21, 2017, things changed for the worst. Their world was shattered. Their perfect little family had been crushed. Ariella Marie passed away peacefully in her sleep a week into her second year of life due to unknown causes.
In those two short years she left a little sparkle wherever she went and touched the hearts of everyone she met, even some she never knew. Everyday was a fun and exciting adventure for Ariella. Whether she was trying to keep up with her older brothers, chase her chickens or boss around her best-puppy-friend, Frito, she was always giggling and having fun. She loved to make people laugh and smile. She loved to dance and sing to her favorite songs and watch movies with Daddy. She loved to convince Mommy to paint her toenails all by herself and she would sneak into Mommy’s makeup. Her Daddy really did make sure she wore a bow everyday, even when he spent a year deployed abroad. She loved shoes and taking her babies for walks and loved being independent. She made everyone’s days a little brighter. She was a very special, one-of-a-kind, healthy little girl.
The Ouellette's will never be the same, but they have chosen to keep their daughter’s memory alive. They want the world to know what a true-life angel she was. The joy she brought to her family is indescribable. She will never be forgotten. She now flies with the butterflies.
Although the playground project was completed, we will continue to raise awareness for Sudden Unexpected Death in Children (SUDC). We will also continue to keep Ariella's spirit alive by raising funds for kids in the form of scholarships. Ariella was a shining light of energy and as stated above, loved to dance and sing and play outside. The scholarships will provide the opportunity for kids to go to dance lessons, singing lessons, summer camps, and pursue outdoor adventures.
You can make a donation by going to the donation page and clicking on the “Ariella Marie Memorial foundation” donate button. Feel free to print out a copy of your receipt for your tax records. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated at any time and 100% of funds will be put back into the community. All administration is volunteer.
“She who leaves a trail of glitter is never forgotten. Always let your sparkle shine.”
April 15, 2015 - April 21, 2017